LELS349 serves the county employed dispatchers and telecommunicators of the Ramsey County Emergency Communications Center. It is the local business unit for Law Enforcement Labor Services. We work in cooperation with the Saint Paul Police Federation to work towards common goals of both unions and their employees.

President: Cindy Barnes (Shift: B-Nights)
Cindy joined the ECC in 2013 and is currently assigned as a fire dispatcher. She was elected in August 2022 and will serve until the next presidential election in January of 2026.
The President presides at all meetings of the members; shall have general active management of the Association; and shall see that all orders and resolutions of the Board are carried into effect. S/He shall appoint sub-committees with the approval of the Board and Stewards, and shall perform such other duties as may be incident to the office.
(Term: Elected in January of even years)

Vice President: Jay Sliwinski (Shift: A-Days)
Jay joined the ECC in 1999 as a Saint Paul employee. He became a county employee in 2011 and is currently assigned as a law dispatcher. He was elected in September 2022 and will serve until January of 2025.
The Vice-President shall, in the absence or disability of the President perform the duties and exercise the powers of the President, and shall perform such other duties as the Board of Trustees shall prescribe. The Vice-President shall also act as an advisor to his/her fellow officers. S/He shall also serves as a Steward in handling grievances.
(Term: Elected in January of odd years)

Secretary: Cantrice Smith (Shift: B-Nights)
Cantrice joined the ECC in 2020 and is currently assigned as a fire dispatcher. She was elected in January 2024 in a mid-term election and will serve until the next secretarial l election in January of 2025.
The Secretary shall attend all meetings of the Board and Stewards and all meetings of the Association and records all votes and the minutes of all proceedings in a book kept for that purpose and shall perform like duties for any standing committee when required. S/He shall conduct all correspondence appertaining to office and shall perform such duties as the Association may require from time to time designate. S/He shall maintain a suitable file containing a record of each member. This record shall include members name, address, telephone number, rank in Department, date of admission to the Association, and current information on his/her standing in said Association.
(Term: Elected in January of odd years)

Steward 1: Bao Moua (Shift: A-1030)
Bao joined the ECC in 2019 and is currently assigned as a telecommunicator. She was elected in February of 2023 and will serve until January of 2025.
The stewards are elected to serve as alternate grievance handlers. Stewards will be responsible for collecting information and being present at investigatory meetings.
(Term: Elected in January of odd years)

Steward 2: Michelle Griffin (Shift: )
Michelle is currently assigned as a telecommunicator. She was elected in January 2022 and will serve until January of 2024.
The stewards are elected to serve as alternate grievance handlers. Stewards will be responsible for collecting information and being present at investigatory meetings.
(Term: Elected in January of even years)

Steward 3: Nicole Diamond (Shift: B-1030)
Nicole joined the ECC in 2018 and is currently assigned as a telecommunicator. She was elected in August 2022 and will serve until January of 2025.
The stewards are elected to serve as alternate grievance handlers. Stewards will be responsible for collecting information and being present at investigatory meetings.
(Term: Elected in January of odd years)

Steward 4: Veronica Ailes (Shift: )
Veronica is currently assigned as a law dispatcher. She was elected in January of 2024 and will serve until January of 2026.
The stewards are elected to serve as alternate grievance handlers. Stewards will be responsible for collecting information and being present at investigatory meetings.
(Term: Elected in January of even years)